Reclaim your health through real food, clean living, exercising smarter, getting back to nature and leading a vibrant life
With a certified Primal Health Coach by your side, you’ll learn anything and everything there is to know to begin your journey to optimal health. I cover it all, from the standards of diet and exercise, to reducing overall toxin burden to sleep, stress, sunshine, and everything else in between. With loads of information (I mean that, loads) and the proper tools…
so you can make the sustainable changes necessary to set yourself up for a lifetime of health.
✔️ a lifelong learner who likes to learn the why's and gets empowered by knowledge?
✔️ questioning mainstream nutritional dogma and interested in learning more about the paleo lifestyle?
✔️ in need of inspiration and a mindset shift?
✔️ ready to finally get results on your health journey?
✔️ wanting to learn more about health concepts so that you can make changes that guide you for the rest of your life?
✔️ looking to manage your weight to better your health, not just for a temporary bikini fitting?
✔️ Reduce disease risk
✔️ Help manage existing disease
✔️ Increase energy
✔️ Attain a healthy weight
✔️ Improve mood
✔️ Sleep better
✔️ Improve gut health
✔️ Manage blood sugar
✔️ Lower inflammation
✔️ And the list goes on...
❌ Your only goal is weight loss. My philosophy is that it's not about losing weight but GAINING health. Weight loss is a pleasant byproduct for some people.
❌ You are not interested in an academic style of learning and simply want to be told what to do. This course is for people who want to be empowered to make their own choices.
❌ You only care about the Paleo diet and are not interested in other lifestyle factors. I spend half the course talking about non-diet factors for optimal health as I believe they are just as important as food.
Are you ready to be your own best advocate and take charge?
Support for lifestyle and nutritional changes are clearly lacking in our current western model... so it's up to us to make the changes necessary for optimal health.
But where do we begin?
Proper nutrition that consists of eating real, nutrient-dense food is the cornerstone of good health.
We have a nutritionally defunct food supply and are inundated with poor dietary advice. Industry interests are at the heart of our nutritional advice, paving the way for fat phobia, highly inflammatory vegetable oils, and a grain heavy diet lacking the proper nutrients we need to thrive.
I’m not going to tell you exactly what to eat and what not to eat.
I’m going to tell you why specific foods may pose negative health consequences and why certain foods are more likely to give you the nutrients you need to thrive.
You can ultimately decide what is in your “paleo template”, a more flexible, individualized approach utilizing ancestral wisdom while taking into account the modern world we live in today.
We are all individuals with unique biological needs and concerns.
Good nutrition is vital, but it's not everything
There's a limited mindset in the health and wellness sphere that diet and exercise are the only major players in health.
Exercising smarter (not necessarily more), enjoying relationships, having purpose, sleeping well, reducing stress, getting proper sunshine, and spending time in nature all pave the way towards optimal health. We need to focus on “health care” and disease prevention that seeks to fix the root cause of ailments instead of relying on “sick care” that puts a bandaid on our problems.
This course is all about whole health and we cover it all!
and the choices we make, day in and day out, are the drivers.
Evolution hasn’t equipped us for highly processed foods stripped of nutrition, high sugar foods, trans fats, and empty calories. It hasn’t equipped us for our modern lifestyles of high stress, poor sleep, insufficient exercise and environmental toxins.
Include a list of items to support the central theme of your page. Bulleted lists are a great way to parse information into digestible pieces.
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Supplemental Material: Meal Plan Help, Recipe Lists, Shopping Lists, Fitness Plans, and more!
References, References, and More References (Expand Your Learning As You See Fit)
Printable Slide Templates for Note Taking
10 Weeks of Content with Over 6 hours of Video!
Ania Wiesak, M.S., PHC
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Medical disclaimer
Week 2 slide deck for note taking
Getting rid of preconceived notions: Soy
Getting rid of preconceived notions: Vegetable oils
Getting rid of preconceived notions: Wheat
Getting rid of preconceived notions: Sugar
Getting rid of preconceived notions: Processed food
Getting rid of preconceived notions: Meat
Getting rid of preconceived notions: Saturated fat
Getting rid of preconceived notions: Cholesterol
Getting rid of preconceived notions: Salt
Getting rid of preconceived notions: GMOs
Paleo misconceptions
Paleo benefits to health and lesson conclusion
Supplemental Material: References Week 2
Week 3 slide deck for note taking
Paleo template introduction
The paleo diet
Paleo template
What not to eat
Buying organic
Sourcing ethical meat
Cooking, meal planning, and cost
Traveling while paleo
Using food to self medicate and lesson conclusion
Supplemental Material: References Week 3
Supplemental Material: Paleo Guide and Shopping List
Supplemental Material: Meal Plan Worksheet
Supplemental Material: Paleo Recipes
Supplemental Material: Paleo Approved Baking Options
Supplemental Material: Clean Fifteen
Supplemental Material: Dirty Dozen
Supplemental Material: Guide to Buying Eggs
Supplemental Material: Paleo Finds at Costco
Supplemental Material: Paleo Substitutions
Week 4 slide deck for note taking
Beyond paleo diet introduction and low carb diets
Intermittent fasting
Autoimmune protocol
Gut healing diets
Weston A. Price
Low histamine diet
Whole 30 and lesson conclusion
Supplemental Material: References Week 4
Supplemental Material: Carb Curve
Week 5 slide deck for note taking
Modern humans are too clean
Why functional medicine is the answer
Gut health
Supplements and herbs
Supporting mitochondrial health
Preconception, pregnancy, birth and raising children & lesson conclusion
Supplemental Material: References Week 5
Supplemental Material: Find a Functional Medicine Practioner
Week 6 slide deck for note taking
Cosmetic and beauty products introduction; fragrance
Hand sanitizer
What's in personal care products
Make up
Bug spray
The clothing we wear
Clean water
Feminine products
Dental health
Making changes and lesson conclusion
Supplemental Material: References Week 6
Week 7 slide deck for note taking
Introduction, furniture, and mattresses
Carpet, paint, and particleboard
Lawn Care
Cleaning your home
How to detox
How to clean your environment and lesson conclusion
Supplemental Material: References Week 7
Week 8 slide deck for note taking
Why exercise is bad for weight loss
Why too much exercise is not good
What we should probably be doing
Primal fitness program and lesson conclusion
Supplemental Material: References Week 8
Supplemental Material: Fitness Pyramid
Supplemental Material: Primal Essential Movements
Supplemental Material: Sprinting Guide
Supplemental Material: Heart Rate Calculations
Week 9 slide deck for note taking
Supplemental Material: References Week 9
Supplemental Material: Hacking Your Electronics to Lower Blue Light Exposure
Week 10 slide deck for note taking
Introduction and nature
Fostering healthy relationships, having community, and being social
Emotional wellbeing, happiness, and purpose
Brain health
Course conclusion
Supplemental Material: References Week 10
Supplemental Material: Additional Recommended Resources
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